Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fall is here

Hey everyone. It's been a little while since there's been a post on here, eh? Well this weekend I'll be stopping back in the house (probably) Saturday morning. Charlie and I are going to go golfing in Wisconsin, too. It's hard to believe that I haven't been out golfing once this year. As a matter of fact, I haven't even swung a golf club!

Anyway, the semester is in full swing and I've been busy as all heck with classes, my assistantship, and a student organization I've become involved with. On top of that the Bulls pre-season has started, so naturally I'm pretty pumped about that. One thing that's pretty neat is that my roommate and I purchased a nice large flat screen television and Blue Ray player. I don't know if any of you have seen a blue ray, but it's so detailed that it really doesn't look real. The cool thing about the television is that it has a network jack in the back so we have it hooked up to our home network. I even went out and got a new hard drive for grandma's old computer and I've turned it into a media server so that it can stream movies and music to the television. Kind of neat, huh?

Other than that it looks like I'll probably be graduating with an MLS (Masters in Library Science) next May, And I've been thinking a lot about what I'm going to be doing then. Right now it's kind of hard to say. I think if it's at all possible I'll try to stay down here with Sam, but if that can't happen I might just try to find some work in a library back in the suburbs. It's been awhile, and I miss my friends and my family and I think that's where I'd like to be. But it's so hard to tell what will happen - one thing that I do know is that I'm really excited about re-joining the work force once again.

I hear old Jim went to Germany. What the heck is the deal with that?! What have the rest of you been up to anyway?