Friday, August 15, 2008

Going is good in the Big Easy

As usual for me there is too damn much to share and not enough time! I just finished a nice long siesta in my bran-new apartment. I really needed the break from the first hectic two days of my journey out here.

See, traffic was real bad getting to the train station and Allison and I arrived there with almost no time to spare. We got there at 7pm and the train was leaving at 8pm. I felt like a Darjeeling brother (Whitman) because I had a total of about 5 suitcases and a bike that I was taking with me to New Orleans. Checking luggage in was insane because I had 3 bags and the bike. Long story short, I had to disassemble parts of the bike so that I could get it into a bike box. We arrived at the gate as they were yelling out "New Orleans! Train 59! New Orleans!" It was a storybook finish.

The train ride was long and boring. In coach seats it began to get uncomfortable. That night I just felt like sleeping. In the morning I was informed that the train was about 2 hours behind schedule. I did some reading of this Warcraft book to feed my WoW addiction, and that helped pass the time. The train ride was just about 21 hours.
I got here at 5 pm yesterday, and was picked up by one of my roomates, a girl that (to my surprise) was in the graduating class of '08 at Knox. We got all the 5 bags of luggage into her Prius (hybrid) and I saved the bike for later.

There was a BBQ that night which some Americorps members were hosting, so I loaded all my bags inside the door of my 4 person apartment and turned right around. The high tech/sorcery of the Prius' GPS got us kind of lost, but we arrived around 6 and just as the party was starting.

The air is humid and hot down here, but it's not hard to get use to. Last night after the BBQ I worked on tweaking my bike back to working shape. It was frustrating because I taking apart the bike undid some parts which I could only guess as to how to put back together. But I asked for a blessing from Allison via text and lo! I fixed it. Sleep at 11:30, I was out.

This morning got up at 7:00am and was doing fine. Still had that newness adrenaline. Me and all three of my housemates biked 10 minutes to a ferry that takes us across the Mississippi


Tony Roan said...

(end of story)
and then about 20 minutes of more urban biking got us to our first day of orientation. They fed us muffins and subs, and we were out before 2pm.

I need to get some food now, as I am half starved and still need to look up placed to "make" groceries.

Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear from you! Awesome man, awesome!

Anonymous said...

yeah t-man! i envy the traveling and new experiencing you're up to. yep, go with the waves and keep-a-sailing.


Voitek said...

Yeah Tony! Man your a true orc! Keep it up! Must be fun in new zones. Don't give up!

lazer said...

awesome news T-roc. Never give up. Never surrender.

Kris said...

Glad you made it down there OK. This whole year sounds like such a great experience!

Bike commuting is a great way to go - I think it would be fun to replace the train part of mine with a ferry. There aren't so many ferries between here and Lake Michigan, though. Nice job fixing the bike yourself.

Nice Darjeeling reference - I imagine you in some old-guy sunglasses, chasing the train down with all of your suitcases and bike, leaving Bill Murray in the dust.

Mom said...

good job tony i'm proud of you. god bless you