Friday, August 22, 2008

Leaving soon...

Hey everyone, this is my first post here. I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still alive and I'll be out in Las Vegas until Wednesday next week for my company's conference. I'll hopefully see everyone later.



Matt said...

I'm glad you got a chance to post here Pete. Put a few quarters in a slot machine, you never know. Gambling can get addictive i guess so be careful and win some money if you can. When you get back, we should all head over to El Fuego, I think mom has a gift certificate she hasn't used(might be from you). Take care Pete! and keep posting.

Tony Roan said...

Hey Pete!

It is great to see you postin. I agree with Matt, have some fun in Vegas!

How often do you get to travel around on business? That's got to be a nice perk. Take a lot of pictures, if you can.

Voitek said...

YEAH PETE! (hes the best gamer alive) [ATM] =)