Sunday, August 17, 2008

Timmok Has Entered The Realm

An aura of Devotion, Sanctity and of the crusade is felt. A force of the light who wields the Holy Thunderforce is near. The blinding light engulfs the surroundings. Timmok has entered the realm.

Hey guys I've never done a blog before and i did not get an initial invite from Dan. So i am here and i look forward to checking this blog daily. Today we went to a picnic type of thing, i saw everyone, aunts uncles and such and had a real good time. Did not talk much and Uncle Tom noticed and told me not to think to hard or i would hurt myself, teehee. I heard some fun stories from him about the parties at his house were there would be bottles all over the neighborhood. So i heard that @ 1800 you guys get a keg on the porch, sounds like fun. Ive been wanting to ask Dan if he has any spare parts from Tina's computer that still work and if i could get my own Computer going. Most exiting thing going around here atm is this blog and World of Warcraft goodies. Not to mention the news of starcraft II and Diablo III its going to be a good next couple of years. I have been introduced into this cool thing called a "Blizzcast" Its a pod cast that you can download which has interviews about upcoming blizzard titles. I got my Epic flying mount yesturday, as i know people cant really appreciate what that means i know dan can in his own way but ill explain. An epic flying mount costs just about as much as paying off student loans, it takes forever and it seems like you get further away from it if you brush it off. I mean i never had student loans so i dont know if im acting like a fool but thats what it takes to get this. I am not soaring the skys and speeds unmatched. Im using Tina's labtop (is that the correct spelling?) and im exited to get my own computer, even if its not good i want it to be able to run WoW, SCII DIII and i will be very very pleased. I hope you all are having a good day. Good luck Tony! Keep it up Dan, Jim and others! Can't wait to see how this blog turns out!
-Signing Out Tom(Timmok)

The aura begins to dissipate and the light dims... Timmok has left the realm.


Tony Roan said...

hey Tom, I'm glad to see you're on this ol boy too. I've been playing wow a lot too lately. It is a good de-stresser at the end of the day or for the bulk of the day on the weekends. I got level 67 today but I feel like my roomates might question the amount of time i spend on a computer. bah! To hell with them! It's kind of nice not having school or homework, i feel less guilty just playing games and reading books and such.

That being said, I think I am going to take my bike out and explore around.

I miss you guys a lot, so have a lot of fun. Good luck tom on building that computer.

lazer said...

hey Tom! It is spelled Laptop--because it can fit in your lap. I understand why you might call it a labtop--someone might use it it their lab. You strike me as a very creative and talented young man. I wish I could be in Arlington Heights with you and help you get a computer together.

Building a computer is not too hard. The components are
-a power source
-a cpu
-a motherboard
-a hardisk
-some other wires and junk
-a monitor

Let me know what you need out of those and I'll try to help you piece it together.

Stay awesome. -Jim

Anonymous said...

Tom! I didn't send you an invite because I didn't have your email, so don't talk crap. Also, if you need parts/help building a computer I will gladly help. I have lots of spare parts, but mostly old stuff.

If you get

1. power supply
2. motherboard
3. processor
4. memory
5. video card

I can supply you with
- a case
- cd-rom drive
- network card
- sound card
- hard drive (small)
- tony's old monitor
- keyboard
- mouse
- windows
- MSword for homework

If you want to start shopping yourself you can check - just put the stuff that you want in the shopping cart to get a general idea how much it costs. Read the specification info and customer reviews, you're smart and I'm sure if you really try you can figure out what parts go with what.

If you need help just email me and I'll point you in the right direction. It shouldn't cost more than 300-400 bucks to get a computer together to do all the things you want it to. You will need a big hard drive eventually though, but it's not necessary for an initial build.

-Dan @ 1800

Kris said...

Maybe your invite ended up in the spam filter. Anyway, nice to see you here! Enjoy your soaring and speeding!