Monday, September 8, 2008

less than 48 hours!

i'll be leaving to MN on Wednesday morning at some obscure hour that's so early it probably shouldn't qualify as morning. so, tomorrow is my last day in A of H. i made this list of things i want to do tomorrow, but reading through it reminded me of the simpsons episode where homer eats bad sushi and is supposed to die the next day so he composes this list of things to do with the remainder of his life. basically my list includes stuff like playing ball with coca, eating lots of vegetarian tamales so mom will be happy that i actually let her feed me, watching a movie with tommy, finding a good book to give MT, and watching an absurd amount of gilmore girls (just in case i get made fun of for watching it in college and have to mask my unnatural obsession for that silly show for the next 10 or so weeks). one of the last things on my list (and more practical in that it is far less dramatic than my other plans) was to let everyone know my new address. the adress that is mine. mine mine mine. well, actually since we have a central post office for the entire campus it isn't solely mine, but it's different from the one i've had for the last eighteen years, so it works for me.

Tina Hahn
300 North College Street
Northfield, MN 55057

well, everyone have a good life without me. just kidding. keep posting so i can know what's up in IL and new orleans. i'll need to live vicariously through you guys for the next ten weeks since i'll probably never leave my dorm for fear of some Fargo-esque events. so, do something interesting!


Anonymous said...

I came by the house today and saw Tina and Mom and they were in high spirits and laughing a lot. I saw two scales that Tina has been using to weigh herself and I asked if I can have one. Tina said the blue makes her mad because it lies to her so I took that one and brought it to 1800. I also took a shower and found my old brown t-shirt that is my lucky shirt, the name of the shirt is "Sexy Brown." By the way Tom, thanks for the underwear.

I am leaving for Beaver Island with Charlie and his girlfriend Erin, and Brian Wednesday night. I'm going to drop my car off at the house and take the Van on that day, at a time yet to be decided, but I can assure that I will appear when the sun is still in the sky.

Anyway Tina, you are a funny and intelligent girl, a success you already are, backwards you never talk, fun I know you will have.

Study hard.


Kris said...

There's just one address for the whole school? So, if someone mailed you packages with embarrassing labels, who else at the school would see them as they were routed from the campus post office to your dorm? Just wondering.

Have a great trip, and enjoy your independence! And please let us know how that hiding in the dorm plan works out for you.