Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Team Awesome and other sundries.

Hey everyone. It's been awhile since I've posted here, so I thought I'd check in. Team Awesome is the official name of the office that I work with at GSLIS (graduate school lib & info science). Anyway, ever since the beginning of the semester Team Awesome meets on Friday to play Mario Kart for the Wii. It's been lots of fun and I told them about a little family jargon of ours from back when we played Mario Kart 64. One of our Team Awesome members threw this picture together and I just had to share it. It's not going to make sense to some of you, but basically it's hilarious, trust me.

I also wanted to comment briefly about the trip to Beaver Island and Tina's camera. We did take pictures when we went and visited Uncle Dan, and Tony did bring me the connector cable for the camera, but the batteries were dead before I could transfer the pictures over to my computer. Basically, pictures from our island trip will be posted once I can get them off Tina's camera, so they're on their way.

Peace and prosperity!

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