Thursday, October 8, 2009


This will haunt my dreams.

Did anyone else play on this thing as a kid? This exact robot was in the playground next to the baseball fields, by the pool in Rolling Meadows. I had forgotten such a thing existed until it popped up today, and now it's cracking me up. The slides could get very hot, and they smelled bad. And I remember exactly what it was like to climb the ladder through those little holes into those small cages. Eeek. Scary. But the view from the head was cool.

I love that the catalog photo shows a kid on a blanket on the robot's foot. Obviously, she couldn't sit directly on the black metal in the sun, or she would be cooked. And I think the kids in the robot's head are screaming for help. Why would anyone design such a thing for children to play on? And more importantly, why did anyone LET us play on such a device? And why did we want to? Hilarious.


Tony Roan said...

This idea/sculpture/monster would make a great Gabriel Garcia Marquez story. That's all I know.

lazer said...

So cool! I think I mainly played in the park behind Jewel in rolling meadows. I believe the park was spaceship themed. And I liked also to hide under bridges.