Saturday, December 12, 2009

what is wrong with the plant?

1 More random picture: I have a question about this plant. It is clearly not well. When I purchased it from Meijer it was green and happy. Look what a few months in my apartment has done to it. Can one of the green thumbs in the family explain what I should do to save it? I try to water it every day. I was going to throw it away, but I decided against it. Help!

-Jim, Urbana, IL


tinajoan said...

more cowbell?

Dan said...

1 co-worker suggests that "this plant looks like it needs to be in a more humid environment with more light, perhaps? if it were summer he could put it outside for a few days and that might help."

Another says it may just need a bigger pot.

Aunt Lynn said...

I can't quite tell from the photo exactly what kind of plant it is, but watering it every day could be a problem. Most plants don't like wet feet all the time. Try sticking your finger in the dirt. If it feels wet, don't water it until it starts to dry out--but don't let it get bone dry. We water most of our houseplants about once a week--some more often, some less often. More light might help, too. Good luck!

Voitek said...

From the picture it seems that there are shadows coming towards it, meaning the sun is hitting it. This leaves one conclusion! Aliens. Jkin' In my pro-fesh piny¤n you just need to give it a bigger pot. I read that a tree's branches are half the length of its roots. Hope that it recovers. May the light spare its blessing.

Voitek said...

Erm P.S. If i was discolored and sick-looking, would you throw me out! By the light man! Have you no decency!! Burn it.