Friday, July 16, 2010

536 looks for new ISP

Hey family bloggers! This is more of a question than a normal blog entry. I just want to know what internet service provider we should get at 536. We currently have WOW! cable and it's not cutting it. A fast connection would be nice...when are fiber optic isp's coming to our neighborhood?

---- Uncle Dan sent me these pictures of Joan Marie's baptism ----


Kris said...

Awww....the photos of you and Joan are adorable. I didn't even know the Williams branch of the family were in town. Thanks for posting these!

Matt said...

No problem, we need to notify you way more in advance! My mom called Pete during the week and said "this weekend there's a party" and it just wasn't possible for him to make it. You probably had the day off though, so I feel bad we didn't tell you.

Tony Roan said...

those pictures are great!

thanks Matt and Uncle Dan!

I'm on cox which is like comcast of the south. 46 bucks a month with 500kb download speeds about average. I think this is the slowest or second slowest one they offer. I'd try comcast again, it's probably gotten a lot better than the Diablo 2 days.

Starcraft 2 is out in 8 days! Say your goodbyes to Tom while you still can.

Voitek said...

Hello everyone! I would like to announce that our ISP is fine! "Hogging" the internet was our selfish temporary fix right? Well turns out the problem was not our provider, but rather our linksys! (Which has been destroyed thoroughly by your truly...) Were using sages temporary replacement and its performing excellently! Internet feels brand new! Also, heed Tony's warning! Haha too late really! Retail is out in less than 14 hours and i plan to get some sleep before that! Btw tonshibatron if you havent see the sc2 trailer "Ghosts of the past" i highly recommend that to you! I was getting some serious chills watching that! Farewell!