Wednesday, April 1, 2009


First and most importantly: No one was hurt. That said, has anyone heard from your Uncle Matt's family? There was a police standoff all night with someone on their block. They had to evacuate 18 homes nearby. I don't know whether your family was affected, but evacuating with the kids would be quite an adventure. Thank goodness it ended peacefully.


Matt said...

April fools joke maybe, on your part?
No. I don't know anything about this . Pretty scary though.

Matt said...

I would HATE to die on April fools day......just no one would believe it when they hear I'm dead. LOL

Kris said...

No, unfortuanetly this isn't a joke - or rather, if it is, the Daily Herald and the Chicago Tribune are both in on it.

Google is up to their usual April Fool's fun, though. Go to the google home page and click on "Introducing CADIE." CADIE is their new artificial intelligence system which was just released. Over the course of the day, it has been learning and taking over more of the web. The prank is pretty elaborate, but funny if you want to spend some time browsing through it.

Tony Roan said...

I haven't heard anything.

But April Fools is probably my favorite holiday.